I'd like to start off by saying thank you for stopping by my site and blog. I hope you are able to find something you can learn from here. This first post is going to be dedicated to what's in store for the next few months. Now I'm not going to be giving any exact dates or anything; but in the works is a Youtube Channel; aptly named Trillium: Wild Edibles. This channel will focus on Identification of; wild edibles and medicinals, their toxic look-a-likes, poisonous plants; how to harvest ethically and responsibly, things to avoid, plant book reviews, and more! The first couple videos are in the works now and are expected to be uploaded within the coming week, after that I plan to upload 2 - 3 videos a month.
My goal through these videos is to help you better understand and enjoy foraging as a fun, safe, and environmentally sound practice. Along the way we'll see some cool things, some strange things, and we'll learn. In any event, I will also include some of those videos on this site, whether in blog or in the gallery page. Over time I will add more pictures to the Gallery page of different plants, mushrooms, or interesting things found in the woods. I will also blog about a lot of these ventures for entertainment and educational purposes. It's going to be a fun and informative ride so stay tuned!!
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AuthorHey guys, I'm Josh. I'd Like to welcome you to the Trillium: WE blog. Here I'll share things with you like wild food meal ideas, harvesting tips, conservation of wild plants, wild plant book reviews, and more! I'll also be including pictures from scrapped videos for entertainment purposes as well. Stay tuned! Archives
February 2017
All photos and videos belong to Trillium: Wild Edibles; sources are given where otherwise. No use without permission; citation required.